Wednesday, December 7, 2016


I would like to welcome you and say thank you for reading my post. I have tossed the idea around for a while about returning to the blogging world but alas, life was just to hectic and I took a few years off from writing.

I recently sat down with my husband to discuss life, where we were and where we wanted to be. Continuously we would both circle back to wanting to control and pay off our debt so we made a deal with each other that we would work together to become debt free. I wanted a way to keep myself accountable and starting a blog is the perfect way for me to do this. I have plans to layout our debt journey here - as embarrassing as it may be - because I know we are not alone. I know there are thousands or millions of others out there who feel suffocated by the weight of their debt.

We have started down this road many times but we are not good at keeping each other accountable, we are both spontaneous spenders, and we like to "keep up with the Joneses" but we have only been hurting ourselves and our children in the process of doing so. I don't know about you but I am tired of living paycheck to paycheck and I want financial freedom. The opportunity to pay cash for a new vehicle, not have to skip a week of groceries because we have to pay bills, travel the world with my children, and to give back to the community as much as possible.

This will certainly be educational for us and I plan to document our failures and successes right here on The Perky Mom. Beginning January 1, 2017 we will be cracking down on expenses and knocking some of this insane debt out - I am both terrified and anxious to see how it goes. I hope you will consider following our journey, I am going to need cheerleaders and motivators to keep me going!

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