Saturday, December 31, 2016

My 2017 Resolutions & Goals

A new year means new resolutions and goals - I always love beginning a new year - there is an overwhelming optimism about it. 

Everyone sets new goals or resolutions they want to accomplish throughout the year - myself included. A new year means a new chapter in my life and I am eager to begin!

So here are my 2017 Goals and Resolutions....I plan to check back on these often!

  1. Pay $10,000 towards my debt snowball
  2. Take a photo under the Las Vegas sign
  3. Go to a concert  (I love music so much and it's been so long since I've been to one)
  4. View a sunset and a sunrise in another country
  5. Read at least 1 book per month for 12 months - for 12 total books
  6. Re-connect with my husband and make our marriage stronger
  7. Volunteer monthly 
  8. Become a meal planner pro
  9. See my friends & family more
  10. Work on the internal me and become a better version of myself

What are your 2017 Resolution or Goals? I'd love to hear them - comment below if you feel comfortable sharing.

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